Laneway City Singers

Photography by Glenn Guy

Based in the inner-west of Melbourne, Laneway City Singers is a dynamic chorus of passionate vocalists dedicated to the art of high-level a cappella singing. Our mission is to build a supportive and inclusive environment that connects with the barbershop and broader musical community alike.

Our members have a special fondness for barbershop singing, yet we remain open to exploring a variety of musical genres, tackling both fun and challenging pieces. Our repertoire is designed to showcase the versatility and talent of our singers, ensuring that every performance is fresh and engaging.

We are committed to fostering an inclusive environment where ambition, growth, and self-confidence thrive, filling a much-needed niche for singers in the west of Melbourne.

About Laneway City Singers

Our Music

Have a listen! If you would like to join the fun, get in touch. We’d love to hear from you.

Our Directors

  • John Khammash


  • Alex Morris


Our Quartets

Upcoming Events

  • VIC Regional Contest


    Templestowe Baptist Church, Doncaster East

    Support us and our local quartets in the Barbershop Harmony Australia Victorian Regional Contest.

Contact Us

Interested in singing with us or visiting a rehearsal? Get in touch and we will get back to you as soon as possible!

We rehearse Tuesday evenings at the Ascot Vale Neighbourhood Centre.